Kolloq. Prof. Rute Sofia, topic: Unified Communications in IoT, Evolutionary Aspects and the Role of Information-centric Networking
29 Oct 2018 04:00, FMI 03.07.023 (MI-Building, Campus Garching)
The interconnection of heterogeneous devices in IoT is today performed via multiple IP-based messaging protocols which have been developed to assist a faster delivery of information over IP networks. These protocols, which perform well under restrained scenarios, require interoperability support (from/to the network as well as towards services) to scale well. Yet, today there is no standardized nor unified ICT model, capable of sustaining not only millions of heterogeneous devices, as well as: bi-directional communication towards people and devices.
In parallel, the Internet research community is exploiting novel networking paradigms, such as Information Centric Networking (ICN). ICN has, by design, a few networking architecture features (such as integrated security and the support for N to M communications) which seem to be better suited for large-scale, dense and mobile IoT environments, where bi-directional communication is required.
This talk provides an overview on the evolution of IoT communications and environments. It explains the requirements that need to be met when handling data transmission, be it in industrial IoT or personal IoT. The talk also provides a debate on the applicability of ICN to IoT; advantages and limitations, as well as interoperability towards today's environments.
Rute C. Sofia (PhD 2004) is, since 2010, a Senior Researcher at the Cognitive and People-centric Computing R&D unit, and an Associate Professor of University Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. She is also, since 2017, an Associated Researcher of ISTAR, ISCTE-IUL. Rute's research background has been developed on industrial and on academic context, and she has co-founded COPELABS (2012), research unit which she steered between 2013-2017. She has also co-founded Senception Lda (2013), a startup focused on personal communication platforms. Her current research interests are: network architectures and protocols; IoT; mobility management and estimation; network mining. Rute holds over 50 peer-reviewed publications in her fields of expertise, and 9 patents. She is an ACM member and an IEEE Senior member.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Georg Carle
+49 89 289 18030